Sunday, December 18, 2011

Why 100 by 100?

The plan is to run 100 Ultra Marathons by 100 years of age !


In every Ultra I run, I personally donate $100.00 to the Alzheimer's Association to help in their continued research in finding a cure for this dreadful disease.  During training and at the Ultra runs I plan to help make aware of Alzheimer's and its effects on the afflicted and families.  I will be running with specially designed running shirts and visors to help in this process.  Since I am 54 now and have run 2 Ultras so far in 2011, I will need to run an average of at least 2 Ultras per year for a total of $10,000.00 donated.

It would be fantastic if more people could help me achieve this goal by contributing whatever they can to this Association at  http://alzorg/greatplains/in_my_community_donate.asp

whenever possible too! I invite all to share their Ultra running experiences or just running in general, and information they might have on Alzheimer's itself on this blog as well!  Lets all help to make a huge awareness! 

At the Alzheimer's Website I hope to have a personal "ongoing event" that is labeled the same as this blog, "100 by 100" so it is kind of linked to the blog, so to speak.  We'll see how that goes.  

...... and for the most important of all......

Running has given me so much in my life.  Running now for nearly 40 years I've struggled with the fact lately that I have never really put all this running to good use -   for a good cause, and to help people in some way!  I think I've finally found a way that would continue till my dying day.  My mother, Joan Lyle died from this disease which robbed her of so much in her life. She suffered from this disease starting in her 50's and finally succumbed to it at 74 years of age.  This was the most dreadful part - seeing our own mother slowly losing all abilities to function on her own.  This is such a horrible and "not fair in any way shape or form" type of disease!  My mom was basically robbed of being a grandmother.  She had a total 6 grandchildren.  We have to try to help stop this disease.  

I will be posting all my Ultras that I've run so far this year with (hopefully) pictures etc. and continue this as long as I can put one leg in front of another!

Please help in any way shape or form!  Thank you all so much!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Norb, yesterday I ran for the first time in a year, barefoot on a golf course, just like in high school for Coach Kilcullin. Two miles easy. Maybe I still have an ultra left in me. Will let you know how it's going. Hope you're healthy. Take care, Norb!


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