Monday, June 3, 2024

Ultra #73 - Prescott Circle Trail!

 Hello all!

Twas a great beautiful day on June 1 in Prescott running a route I've done many times before.  Basically, Lori and Sunny drop me off 31 miles from own home on the Circle trail and I run home all on trails!  It's a beautiful route - a lot in the forest which helps me out from the hot sun.  

Lori and Sunny meet up with me about 15 miles into the run and we have lunch together by the Aspen Creek trailhead.  I was dealing with some slight cramping in the legs at that time, so a good 1/2 hour of rest helped me out for sure.  The next 6 miles was going to not only be really rough terrain wise, but hot as well.  I went slowly during this part for sure.  Not much "running" can be done in this section.  Going up to Goldwater Lakes was slow going as well - I got pretty tired here.  With only 4 miles to go, I perked up a bit and managed some slow running and met Lori and Sunny on Old Senator road right near our house.  So, that was a wonderful sight and much appreciated!

I got in a around 4:20 pm or so after starting at 7:10 am or so.  All in all, it was a great day.  Boy, those Coors Light beers sure tasted great!

Here are some pics!  Thanks all for the support!  Take care!


$100.00 Donated to the Shiley Marcos Alzheiemer's Disease Research Center  6/3/24